The people of Gazza are going through the humanitarian crisis since the October of last year when Israel started bombing and dozens of airstrikes over the people of Gazza, which has shaken the whole State of Palestine. The airstrikes and bombing of Israel targeting hospitals, schools, shelter areas and refugee camps resulted killings of thousands of people including pregnant women and infants. Besides, Gazza Israel also targets the 12 km long Gazza-Egypt border the only land route that facilitates relief operations (as from the other three sides Gazza is encircled by Israel), hence creating more chaos and loss of human lives. Furthermore, the heavy bombardment and airstrikes have completely disturbed the course of human life in Gazza.
In this time of suffering where Gazza is bleeding and thousands of people are trapped in a tormenting crisis, the people of Gazza are looking towards the OIC (Organization of Islamic Countries), and the Islamic World especially the Arab States i.e. KSA, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain etc. Unfortunately, most Arab Muslim countries including the big economies KSA, UAE and Qatar, these countries are just paying lip service towards this issue by condemning Israeli attacks and killings. As actions speak louder than words so, instead of using sympathy words these countries should come forward in the support of the people of Gaza. They should mobilize the world especially the Western World and the UN about this issue. In addition, these countries should cut off all diplomatic relations with Israel especially UAE and Bahrain, for the time being.
But the important question is why Muslim Ummah is helpless and why their voice over the Palestine issue is not impactful at the global level. The answer to this question is the unfortunate division within the Muslim nations as the current Islamic world is fragmented, weak and split as Iran, Turkey, Syria, Yemen and other important Muslim nations are not accepting the mainly Saudi-led OIS or Islamic block. Secondly, most GCC States which are economically rich, they sell their oil and gas to Western countries and their allies, hence they cannot afford to lose this vast economic market because their economy is dependent on the sale of oil and gas.
So, if the Muslim nations are keen that their voice about the Gazza issue should be heard at the global level in order to bring productive results then they need to take some concrete steps based on mutual socio-economic development. This economic model should be inclusive for all Muslim States particularly, underdeveloped Muslim countries. In addition, Muslims States should eliminate the division within their ranks by empowering the platform of OIC, as the one strong voice from the platform of OIC will create a strong global impact. Boycotting Israeli products is temporary and short-term solution to this issue. Therefore, all Islamic countries should think out of the box by developing economically and socially in order to resolve this issue. Because the current global structure is based on economics.
Article by Ehtisham Dar
He is Geopolitical Analyst and holds MPhil Degree in International Relations.