February 18, 2025

How to control Negative And Lustful Thoughts? How to get Rid Of These? Read The Below Mentioned Lines Inshallah All The Power or Aspiration of Dirty thoughts will come to over.

Admit that these thoughts and desires will never end up coming until You have some inner force that compels you to stop it. And that Inner force will arise as much as Your Level of Imaan is Rise. It’s firstly your imaan and faith that protects you from these thoughts or acting according them.

Remember Allah Has warned us about shaitaan as he (Lucifer) is Open enemy of every believer, he tries to deviate us and also remember this thing that Shaitaan will never direct you at the first attempt to do any major sin for e.g, Adultery but he will try to begin his mission by you from the very smallest sin like watching Movies or Listening music or poetry where the beauty of opposite gender is described.

Its Human nature to have such a desires and arisen of such a thoughts but as human is intellectual and has proper capability to think what is to do and what not as a human being (Ashraf ul Makhloqaat).

Remember the Incident that happened with Prophet Youssef A.s, When a beautiful and Rich lady forced him to fornicate but prophet denied and he asked Allah for help and protection, Prophet Youssef Accepted to be imprisoned rather than going for that thing which is forbidden by Allah Almighty.

Remember that Allah says in Quran Chapter Surah Al Isra (Ayat 32) “Laa takrabu Zina” means don’t go even close to the Adultery or dont approach to it . Here we Can guess that how mean and spoiler thing it is.

If you try to Fulfil these desires by Going to any haram way for instance Watching Porn videos or Doing anything by your own to get self-satisfaction, Then Remember it will give you temporary Satisfaction or Relief but at the end of the day there will be nothing except Regret and destruction and after some Hours Your dirty thoughts and desires will again start coming, Means there is no way to end these things permanently and it is a trick of Shaitaan merely To Deviate a Moomin (Believer).

Usually whenever a person is Sitting idle or work less the shaitaan attacks during these hours more and that is why a Good believer is not supposed to be idle all the time.

Don’t use social media or your smartphone all the time, since this is just like a modern trap used by Shaitaan to catch the believer.

Allah has already Warned us about shaitaan and his tricks that is why on the day of judgement we cannot blame shaitaan for our deeds as we have efficient capacity to know about tricks of shaitaan in this world as well.

Don’t Ponder upon your Negative and dirty thoughts let them come and go and Inshallah after some days Shaitaan will Loose this battle against You (Believer) and You’ll be more close to Allah, The exalted one. • You’ll be rewarded by virtuous from Allah Azwajal Here and Hereafter too.

Remember Pain Is For Short period but Regret is forever. Think And Act Accordingly.

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